Saturday, 25 June 2016

EMPTIES June 2016!

Just going to write a short post with mini reviews on my empties this month!

 Mango Body Butter by The Body Shop:
I love these body butters by the body shop!
And, I have loads of different lotions, so I wanted to use it up.

Would I repurchase it?
Yes, but I want to use up my other body butters first. 

ZTIZ Nail Polish:
I got this ages ago, and it has dried out. As you can see, the nail polish is a glittery magenta silver, but when you apply it on the nail, you don't get a lot of glitter on your nail.

Would I repurchase it?

Can't find a link.

Raspberry Coconut Pecks by Inspiral:
I LOVE these!
It's kind of like chunks of coconut that are very crunchy, and there is also raspberry jam on them.
They are so good! And they are organic, gluten-free, raw, vegan and paleo.

Would I repurchase it?

Monday, 20 June 2016

Using Coconut Oil As A Hair Mask- My Experience

I decided to use coconut oil as a hair mask, because I was curious how well it would work and how moisturising it would be; and this is what happened.
(I didn't really read up about this, maybe I should have...)

I used extra virgin coconut oil, soaked my hair in it (tried to only put it in the lengths of my hair, but I kind of got it nearly in all of my hair except for my roots...), and then left it in way too long (20-30 min), but really I should have left it in for about 5 minutes!
So it didn't really work out how I wanted it to...

After rinsing it out:
My hair feels so wet, and it has felt like this for a while now.
I didn't wash my hair with conditioner, because I felt like I didn't really need to.
I am going to wait until tomorrow, see if it feels oily then, and decide if I should wash my hair again then.
Good night!

Day 1:
10:00 AM:
I just got out of the shower, and I washed my hair twice with conditioner, because it felt like it helped. We will see when my hair has dried.
When I woke up my hair looked wet, because it was so oily!
I was not impressed...
Fingers crossed washing my hair again worked!
11:30 AM:
I just rinsed my hair of with water, because it was still oily, but I did help a bit to wash my hair again. But it still is and looks oily. This "coconut oil hair mask" was probably not such a good idea...
1:00 PM:
The hair on the top of my head, near my roots, as well as the ends are not oily at all any more. It's just the lengths of my hair.
My hair still looks wet and feels wet too:(
(It's not how I want MY hair to look like).
4:00 PM:
I just took I shower because I was out exercising. I didn't wash my hair again, I just rinsed it with water. I also noticed that it's just the "middle" of my hair that is oily.
19:30 PM:
My hair doesn't look that wet any more... but it does feel damp.
On the positive side it's shiny, right now I think it will take a few more days/ washes until my hair will be completely coconut oil free :(
Day 2:
10:30 AM:
My hair has "dried" a bit overnight, but it is still oily here and there.
Otherwise, my hair feels just a little bit softer than usual.
I will update you tomorrow!
Day 3:
I can't see or feel any coconut oil in my hair anymore!
To be honest, I can't really tell a difference after using the coconut oil in my hair.
But, it was probably good for my hair anyway.
If I would do this again, I would just put coconut oil in the ends of my hair, but if I get any tips on what I could do better when using coconut oil as a hair mask, then maybe I would it again.

Some tips and tricks (from what I experienced):
* Try to only get the coconut oil in the ends and maybe a bit in the lengths of the hair.
*Don't leave it in for long!

I know this post is basically me complaining over my oily coconut hair, but I hope somebody reading this will find this interesting, educational and maybe even would want to try this for themselves.
Also, if anyone reading this has tried this, please comment some tips and your experience, and if I did something wrong (except for probably leaving it in for too long)!


Friday, 10 June 2016

PINITA COLADA by The Body Shop

The Body Shop recently introduced their new summer collection- Pinita Colada, so I hurried over to my local TBS store and I picked up 1 product from the range:

I brought the shower gel, but I wouldn't call it a shower gel at all! It's more like a shower cream.
At first I was kind of disappointed of the actual scent of it, I thought it smelled quite "soapy", and I couldn't really smell that much of pineapple and coconut.
But then when I used it in the shower with a loofa, and smelling it over and over again, it smells much nicer in my opinion.
So it is not as strong as their strawberry or pink grapefruit shower gel, but I really like it anyway!

The Pinita Colada products:

Friday, 3 June 2016

Exciting Announcement!

I am just going to do a short post about a new blog I will be posting on, as well as this!
Sprallice (the blog you are reading now), is and will remain my "main blog", but I am going to create a new blog called Sprallice Extra, where I will post recipes, random hauls, and loads of other stuff.
This blog is just about beauty and everything related to it!
Here is the link to my new blog: